Friday, December 6, 2013

Our Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Our Trip to the Pumpkin Patch on PhotoPeach

What a beautiful day to go to the farm and pumpkin patch!  It was sunny and the temperature was just perfect for a day on the farm.  Every year, first graders take a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  The farm is owned by a wonderful family who always welcome us with such hospitality and friendliness.  This is one of the highlights of my year every year.
     The students got to pet pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, goats, horses, cows, sheep, dogs and a lot of other farm animals.  After they fed the animals and heard the farm workers teach them about the farm and farm animals, it was time to move to the pumpkin patch!  We took a hayride through the rivers, pastures and cornfields and finally arrived at the pumpkin patch that was laden with big, bright orange pumpkins.  The students were turned loose  to find a pumpkin that was just right for him/her to take home and carve.  Then, it was back to the playground to play for a bit before heading back to school.  What a wonderful trip with a group of wonderful first graders. We hope you enjoy our video!

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