Saturday, December 7, 2013

Smartboard Exchange

     I am so thankful for the most wonderful and innovative piece of equipment in my classroom - my Smartboard! I don't know how I ever taught without it.  The Smartboard helps bring learning to life for the children.  Of course, there is still so much I need to learn about it, but what I do know, I use like crazy!  I think the Smartboard helps the students learn better.  It has thousands of images, lessons, tools, etc. 
     It used to take me lots of time to create my own Smartboard lessons.  However, once the lessons were  made, I could save them and use them year after year.  Now, thanks to the help of Smart Exchange, I do not have to create all of my Smartboard lessons.  I can use lessons that other first grade teachers have made by simply signing in to SmartExchange and typing a keyword for what topic I need a lesson for. Or, if I want to return the favor, I can share the SmartBoard lessons that I've made with everyone as well.  It is FABULOUS! Just click on this link to visit this wonderful website and sign up for free .

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