Friday, December 6, 2013

Totally Terrific Tagxedo

     We have begun our Long Ago and Today unit in Social Studies.  The students find this unit so interesting, and I love to teach them about how things have changed.  I love to invite older guests to come speak to our class about how life was long ago.  This year, we invited Mrs. Libby Durham.  Mrs. Durham is the mother of one of our kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams. Mrs. Durham is in her eighties, but she is quite the spry young lady.  She brought lots of interesting artifacts with her when she came to visit.  Some items included a washboard, an iron, quilts, shawls, a coffee grinder, a mattress warmer (this was the students' favorite item), and long satin gloves.  Mrs. Durham talked to the students about how her life was long ago.  She included interesting facts such as having to walk to school, packing her lunch everyday because there was no cafeteria and how going to school was optional.  We enjoyed Mrs. Durham's visit so much!  This gave the students visuals of actual items that were used in the past.  We really appreciate her coming to speak with us.
     I used Tagxedo with the students to compare schools long ago and today.  After comparing schools of today and long ago, I had the students give me words about school long ago.  I recorded their words on a Tagxedo image.  Then, I had them give me comparison words to describe how schools are today.  I put those words in a Tagxedo image as well.  The students absolutely LOVED the two images formed, and I did as well.  Please enjoy our images below.



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